Create a SteelPoll in Seconds

Like a straw poll, but with more robust results. Discover the consensus answer to your question, or simply the most popular. No account or payment needed!

How it works

A Fun Way to Create Polls

Create and share your poll, then watch the results roll in and update in real-time!

Create a Poll

Choose between three types of polls depending on your needs

Share It

Copy and paste your unique poll URL and share it with your friends

Cast Your Vote

Use our simple, intuitive voting system to submit your opinion

Get Live Results

Watch the results update in real-time as your friends cast their votes

Why Choose SteelPoll?

More robust, private polling than any alternatives, all for free!

Tracking Free
Absolutely no tracking or selling of your data
Blazing Fast
SteelPoll was built with maximum speed in mind
Control of Your Data
Sick of this site? Completely delete your account whenever you want from the account tab
Easy to Use
SteelPoll makes creating and sharing polls as simple as possible
Create polls that are open to anyone or restricted to registered accounts only
Create private polls only viewable by sharing your unique url
Fully Accessible
Built with keyboard only users and screen readers considered from the start
Mobile Responsive
Works on your phone, tablet or computer